Society preaches self care but very rarely is anything tangible provided that can make a real impact.
Hollis wants to change that.
Hollis provides a welcoming environment and experience for groups and individuals seeking spiritual growth and renewal. However, those who take retreats are often already aware of Hollis and cognizant of their need to get away. Often times those in need of a physical, mental and emotional break are the caregivers; who are unaware of available resources or do not consider devoting time to self care.
We established the HOLLIS COMMUNITY CAREGIVER SCHOLARSHIP FUND to reach those who serve our community via YOU.
What does that mean?
It means Hollis is committed to giving away overnight retreats to servants who are in need of time and space apart.
But we don’t know WHO needs this space.YOU DO.
Thus, we are challenging the Hollis community to do two things
1. Identify and nominate a person in need of time and space apart
2. Donate today to help Hollis welcome Community Caregivers
Your support will enable us to reach a community of people who historically are the caregivers…or possibly the Martha’s among us, so busy serving they forget Jesus also calls them to sit, reflect and listen.
As we embark on giving away retreats, your gifts will replenish our coffers so we can continue to provide time and space apart for those in need, and your nomination will enable us to broaden the reach of our ministry of hospitality.
Thank you for your unwavering support. Hollis continues to be relevant and sustained because of you.